Aloe vera
What is aloe Vera? :
The aloe vera is a plant with long, spiked leaves, which are thick-skinned and contain a
clear jelly-like substance. The aloe vera leaves are used today in many products, including
cosmetics, skin lotions and moisturizers, burn gels and even sun screen creams. The jelly
extracted from its parts can be used to make aloe vera juice, which can be used as a
nutrition supplement.
Aloe vera juice amazingly is rich in nutrition - containing nineteen amino acids, twenty
minerals and twelve vitamins. The main benefits that have been proven in medical studies
are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and restoration. Other on going studies suggests that it
is also beneficial to the heart and can destroy strong bacteria.
What is aloe Vera? : The aloe vera is a plant with long, spiked leaves, which are thick-skinned and contain a clear jelly-like substance. The aloe vera leaves are used today in many products, including cosmetics, skin lotions and moisturizers, burn gels and even sun screen creams. The jelly extracted from its parts can be used to make aloe vera juice, which can be used as a nutrition supplement. Aloe vera juice amazingly is rich in nutrition - containing nineteen amino acids, twenty minerals and twelve vitamins. The main benefits that have been proven in medical studies are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and restoration. Other on going studies suggests that it is also beneficial to the heart and can destroy strong bacteria.